Apple VR headsetApple is clearly working on some exciting AR and VR hardware, with the latest news out of Cupertino that the company has hired a former DAQRI user experience designer and VR app developer.

All the latest hires, patents and investments seem to strongly suggest that Apple AR smartglasses will soon be a reality.

VR painting expert Sterling Crispin joined Apple earlier this summer as a prototyping researcher, after success with his painting app Cyber Paint for the Oculus Go, Daydream, GearVR, and HTC Vive last year.

Crispin also has form in developing smartglasses at DAQRI, having been the company’s artist-in-residence a lead UX designer.

Rumours have been gaining ground in Cupertino for some time now that Apple was working on an AR wearable, which for many seems to be a logical development following the success of the technology in ARKit.

Others are suggesting that the creator of Cyber Paint will actually be working on some proprietary Apple VR hardware.

Reporters who have been closely following Apple’s AR and VR developments suggest that the mooted new Apple VR headset will feature an 8K display for each eye. And that it will be a standalone device, which means that it will not need to be plugged into a Mac or an iPhone or iPad.

Excited? We are! But you are going to need to wait until at least 2020 to see any sign of the hardware breaking cover publicly.

Via Next Reality and Cult of Mac

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